Coupons Explained

Because Everbody loves a Bargain!

Coupons and Vouchers are a great way to attract repeat customers.

You could take advantage of your quiet times, and offer a special deal (eg. haircut $10 discount on Wednesday afternoons).

We have yet another unique and ultra-clever trick to add to this;

Before they can see and download the coupon, the customer is invited to share your offer with all of their local friends on their own Social Media channels. This allows you to reach a significantly wider audience (and at a significantly cheaper price) than you might be able to achieve via paying for Facebook or Google ads.

Plus, their friends are more likely to value the recommendations from their friends, rather than any of your own advertising, no matter how glossy your ads may be.


  • Invite visitors to scan a QR (Quick Response) image with their phone.
  • This immediately offers them a "Welcome Drink" (or any offer of your choice)
  • They are asked to complete a form (this is mostly for your benefit to learn more about your average customer)
  • Customers are then encouraged to SHARE the voucher offer with their local Social Media friends (proven to have up to 10x greater reach than any of your other marketing efforts)
  • They are then immediately shown a voucher that confirms the 'Welcome Drink' 
    & we suggest that you also add, that they must spend money first in order to use the voucher. 
    eg. Buy Three Drinks & use this Voucher to Claim (Fourth) Free Drink
  • They are then told that they can Earn MORE freebies via the e-Loyalty card (this creates even more repeat custom)
  • Now that we have their contact info, we can send Push Notifications directly to their phone to encourage REPEAT visitors...


Sites like have proven that this business model works, and they have built their platform especially to promote local businesses with special deals. 
We offer you a significantly better option for the following reasons;

  1.  Where Groupon insists that you offer a greater discount than you would normally offer, we suggest a much more rewarding strategy for your business is to continue to sell at the full price, and instead, you may wish to offer a bonus reward to the customers who purchase during your limited-time offer.
  2.  Groupon insists that all purchases go through their payment platform, and they firstly take their commissions from that before paying the balance to you up to 60 days later (meanwhile, you dealt with all the initial stock purchase, the additional staff and costs, all customer returns and questions/complaints, and any bank loan interest).
  3.  Groupon will take up to 50% of your revenue as their commission.
  4.  We do not handle your sales, plus you keep 100% of your revenue, and you are then free to use that immediately to cover your various expenses.