Statistics show that 70% of restaurant diners never return

Repeat custom is GOLD-DUST!!


99% of businesses WASTE their TIME, MONEY and ENERGY on constantly marketing for new footfall, whereas the true GOLDMINE is in looking after those customers who already know where the business is and what they offer.


We have created THE most innovative solution that not only keeps you above the law, but also allows you to reach out and invite repeat customers.

This simple solution is actually very clever with a number of elements going on behind the scenes, yet with the simplest and cleanest landing page for speedy registration of your visitors.



46% of retail customers said they would definitely return if there was a loyalty-card system in place


  • You may offer this at no charge to all of your customers to encourage them to return more frequently and take advantage of your offers.
  • No additional hardware or software required.
  • Customers keep their own eLoyalty Card on their own mobile devices.
  • Simple to explain to customers and staff.
  • This is the Cheapest and Most Ingenious method of increasing your business revenue and increasing customer loyalty.
  • Works on all smart-phone devices.